RoRo Red Fox
9 HPEvolves from Vulpes vulpes
Scarlet & Violet
Stage 1
Ability: Magnetoreception
Fox can see the earth's magnetic field. It uses this sense and it's hearing to figure out where a mouse is even if it is hidden by grass, leaves, or snow.
Mouse Pounce • Sneak Attack
The fox uses a high jump to suprise the animal it is attacking.
Foxes are prey to eagles, coyotes and humans. A lot of fox get hit by cars.
Retreat cost:
NO. 1 Land Animals Pokémon HT: 15 inches WT: 12 pounds lbs.
illus. Eric Sutton
Red fox are very fast and sneaky they. They are omnivores and they are preditors and prey. Fox are crepuscular - that means they hunt and play when the sun comes up and when it goes down.
Created by @eric314 on 22 November 2023